IFISA is born


The inaugural meeting of the International Association of Flight Information Service Association (IFISA), was held on the 1st September 2015, at Entry Point North (EPN) ATS Academy, Malmö, Sweden.

The association has been formed to bring together national Flight Information Service Associations/Unions who represent FISO’s, to bring together a wealth of knowledge and to work together sharing best practise and experiences that will help mould and shape the FIS service globally in the future.

Civil Aviation Authorities from numerous countries also attended the meeting at EPN as observers, with a view to becoming associate members, and all thought that IFISA was not only a worthwhile venture, but an essential tool to help further the FIS service and to help standardise the service world wide.

It is hoped that by working together, industry documentation like ICAO circular 211-AN/128 which was last edited in 1988, and can be brought up to date with input from IFISA and its member associations.

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