Agenda: FISO Seminar 2016 agenda
Brochure: fiso-service-in-countries-represented-at-the-fiso-seminar-2016-in-manchester
Opening presentation IFISA President Paul Brown
Airspace infringementMikkel Skjold Hansen
Teaching FIS – Enroute. Sofi Wadsjö
Danish CCC for Basic FIS training
Danish CCC for FIS enroute with surveillance
Danish CC for FIS enroute without surveillance
Global Intro AFISO PPT. Global ATS
GLOBAL ATS – AFISO Training Presentation Manchester 2016 v1.1. Global ATS
EASA presentation.Fabio Grasso
ICAO presentation ATM working group.Scott Hunter
IFISA AFIS phraseology (Draft! This is a working document only, it was used as a base for the workshop at the seminar. During the year we will be working with the result of the workshop and a final document with IFISA phraseology will be issued later)
IFISA FIS Enroute Phraseology (Draft! This is a working document only, it was used as a base for the workshop at the seminar. During the year we will be working with the result of the workshop and a final document with IFISA phraseology will be issued later)
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