2021 IFISA FISO Seminar/Webinar

  • UPDATE 11/10/2021

IFISA FISO Seminar 2021 agenda topics presentations are now available for downloading

  1. IFATCA – A/FIS Phraseology (EASE NAP 2021-05) and APDSG: Incorporating Surveillance in Doc 4444
  2. IFATCA – Just Culture
  3. Remote Tower
  4. DFS Germany – Critical Incident Stress Management
  5. Christos Malamas – Pilot’s Prespective on AFIS and enroute FIS
  • UPDATE 16/09/2021

The following Αgenda items are adapted to meet the needs of the Webinar.

Download (PDF, 133KB)

Disscusion topics of the Assembly meeting as following:

Download (PDF, 245KB)

  • UPDATE 06/09/2021

We are glad to announce that online registriation of our event 11th International FISO Seminar/Webinar is now open! The event will be hosted by IFISA using Zoom Platform.

When: Sep 29, 2021 09:00 UTC Time
Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

  • Update 10/08/2021

Due to uncertainties caused by the COVID Pandemic the IFISA Executive Board has decided to once again cancel the in-person Assembly and Seminar planned for Corfu September 22-23, 2021 and organize a virtual version in the form of Webinar.

The Virtual Assembly will be held on September 28, 2021 and the Virtual Seminar/Webinar will be held on September 29, 2021.

Registration process for the event will be announced soon.

Stay informed…