Q & A


  • What is IFISA?

IFISA is an international non-profit association gathering national FISO associations with the goal of exchanging experiences and promoting safety.

  • What is a FISO?

FISO is the abbreviation for: Flight Information Service Officer. An operator that works with FIS.

  • What is a AFIS?

AFISO is the abbreviation for: Aerodrome Flight Information Service Officer.
AFIS is the service which provides information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flight to pilots at an aerodrome or in the vicinity of an aerodrome.

  • What is FIS?

FIS is the abbreviation for Flight Information Service.
FIS is the service which provides information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flight to pilots in flight in enroute airspace.

  • Who can become a member of IFISA?

National FISO associations/unions/trade unions can become full members of IFISA.
We also welcome companies as corporate members and NSA’s/CAA’s as associated members.

  • How can my FISO association/union/trade union, company or NSA/CAA become a member?

You can apply for membership by filling out the membership registration form found on the “membership” page.