
Membership is open to all national associations, unions and trade unions who represent AFISO or FISO’s.

There are varying classes of membership, depending on your organisation (Full, Corporate or Associate):

  • A national FISO association/union can become a full member of IFISA.
  • A company/business can become a corporate member of IFISA.
  • A CAA/NSA can become an associate member of IFISA.

You can find out what the different type of membership means by reading our new rules adopted in 2019.
It is difficult to run an association without money for administration etc. but we do not want to exclude members that do not have the founds to pay a membership fee, so if you can please contribute to our finances, it would be appreciated.

Types of members

IFISA has 3 different member categories:

Full Membership

Full Membership may be granted to any national Association that represents FISO’s amongst its membership. The members consist of the national Associations and any other suitable persons as determined by the affiliated Association of the respective country. All national members of a member Association shall be considered simultaneously as individual members of IFISA. Member Associations shall function as collective members of IFISA. In national respect, they will act independently. Each member Association, however, and its individual members shall abstain from any action detrimental to the common interest of the profession, to its honour and public recognition.

In special circumstances, where a Nation has only one FIS-unit without meeting the criteria of an Association, the Executive Committee can grant Full Membership to that unit. Should more units be established in that Nation, then IFISA would require full membership criteria to be met.

Honorary Membership

Honorary membership may be conferred by proposal of the Executive Board to any organisation who work closely with the profession and is deemed by the Executive Board to be worthy of that honour. The status of Honorary Associate Member may be conferred or revoked by a majority vote at Assemblies. Honorary Associate does not pay fee or annual subscription.

Corporate Membership

IFISA will be empowered to invite suitable organisations to become corporate members of IFISA to assist in consideration of matters in which IFISA may become involved. Corporate members are invited to attend meetings of the Assembly and other committees of IFISA as observers. If entitled representatives of Corporate Members may speak at the Assembly but would have no voting rights.

Corporate Membership Levels:

I. Gold Corporate Membership
  • IFISA Website advertisement via Hyperlink and Logo on IFISA Website
  • Discount of 10% at IFISA Annual Seminar (sponsorship package)
  • IFISA Newsletter Advertisement (minimum of 2 Newsletter per year) with an article about the products of the company
  • Each official document will be included the logo “official partner” (or other designation)

Gold Corporate Membership Fee 600,00 Euro per year

II. Silver Corporate Membership
  • IFISA Website advertisement via Hyperlink and Logo on IFISA Website
  • Discount of 10% at IFISA Annual Seminar (sponsorship package)
  • IFISA Newsletter Advertisement (minimum of 2 Newsletter per year) with an article about the products of the company

Silver Corporate Membership Fee: 400,00 Euro per year

III. Bronze Corporate Membership
  • IFISA Website advertisement via Hyperlink and Logo on IFISA Website

Bronze Corporate Membership Fee: 150,00 Euro per year

To become a member fill in the following form: