2017 FISO seminar



8th International FISO Seminar
Airport Hotel OKĘCIE, Chopin Airport, Warsaw, 5-7th September 2017

(to download the presentations click the linked headlines below)

Provisional Schedule

Day 1

14.00-15.00 IFISA yearly meeting (including discussion and voting on new IFISA rules) In room cessna 7:th floor

15.00-18.00 Study-visit with welcome catering at Polish Air Navigation Services Agency Headquarter

19.00 Optional informal dinner (NOT included in seminar fee) in restaurant Mirage entrance floor

Day 2 (all i  room Galaxy 1 entrance floor)

08.30-09.00 Sign in and welcome

09.00-09.30 Welcome from IFISA and PANSA

09.30-10.30 ICAO ATM working group. TBA – ICAO

A representative will inform us about the latest work regarding AFIS in ICAO regulation.  The ICAO ATM working group have been working with introducing AFIS in doc 4444 and an AFIS manual. 

10.30-11.00 Morning Refreshments

11.00-12.00 Human Factor – what makes it hard to land – Johan Bergström, Lund University and Go-Around / Missed approach, the decision, procedure and technique, can FIS make a difference? – Capt. Gaute Bere Widerøe

Several severe accidents over the last couple of years have highlighted issues connected to landings and go-arounds. This lecture, while summarizing some learning points from such accidents, places its emphasis on how to harness the experiences made from the few low-level go-arounds that occur. The two lecturers will combine their experiences as academic (Johan) and captain flying in challenging environments (Gaute) to reflect on a risky situation with lots of unexplored learning potential. Certain emphasis will be put on how to best involve ATC/AFIS.

12.00-13.30 Lunch and networking time

13.30-14.00 EASA regulation explained. Sofi Wadsjö – IFISA Secretary

14.30-15.30 Afternoon Refreshments

15.30-16.30 EASA FIS regulation. Fabio Grasso – EASA

EASA are working on a European version of ICAO doc 4444. EASA will update us on the introduction of AFIS into this document as well as there work on regulation for FIS in general. 

16.30-16.45 Summary of first day

19.00-19.30 Pre-dinner Drinks & Canapés

19.30-22.00 Formal seminar dinner dress code “smart casual”

Day 3

09.00-10.30 IFISA assembly meeting continued

10.30-11.00 Morning Refreshments

11.00-12.00 EBT_presentation.REV2 – preparing the operator rather than preparing for the event Nicolai Bondo Rasmussen, Thomas Cook airlines

For several decades pilot training and checking have been focusing on checking specific events, that in the past had a high accident rate. As the aircraft have changed the need to change the training and checking has to follow. The current training focus on the pilot being able to handle specific events, that are not as relevant today, as they were 40 years ago. With the introduction of Evidence Based Training, we tailor the training to the individual pilot and the pilots needs. The objective of evidence based training is to identify the individual pilots strength and weaknesses and then use the training to improve the competencies through selected tasks, that will enhance the pilot competencies

12.00-13.30 Lunch and networking time

13.30-14.30 Emergency and continuation training and FISO licensing – workshop

Refresher training and emergency training workshop – notes

FISO Licensing workshop – notes

14.30-15.15 Afternoon Refreshments and networking time

15.15-15.30 Seminar summary – Paul Brown – President IFISA




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