Exciting news from ICAO. 1


At the recent Air Traffic Management Operations Panel meeting in Montreal. The meeting discussed a previous agenda item on AFIS and work is commencing to remove the outdated ICAO Circular 211-AN/128-Aerodrome Flight Information Service, and replace with a new manual. A job card is being raised to undertake this work, but due to the limited impact on existing rules, it is hoped this work will be undertaken very quickly.
Under ICAO rules, circulars can not be updated, and so the decision has been taken to create a new manual which CAN be updated.
The work undertaken so far was detailed at the 7th International FISO seminar organised by IFISA, and the phraseology workshop document which is still in draft form has been warmly welcomed by ICAO who are looking forward to receiving the finished document in early 2017.

For those member organisations who have not responded to the IFISA phraseology documents – now is the time to make a difference!

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