Standardized FISO phraseology 5

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The work with coming up with standardized FISO phraseology has now reached a new phase. IFISA has finished draft phraseology documents for AFIS and Enroute FIS. The draft documents have been sent to our member organisations for review. The documents will be adjusted accordingly and will later be used as basis for the phraseology workshops booked at the International FISO seminar in Manchester. We hope at the seminar to be able to finalize the documents, that then can be submitted to ICAO and EASA as our official suggestion and recommendation for standardized FISO phraseology. If your FISO association is not yet a member of IFISA it might be a good idea to join now so you can take part in this exciting work!

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5 thoughts on “Standardized FISO phraseology

  • Rudy

    I’m a lecturer/instructor for Aeronautical Communication Training Division in Indonesia Civil Aviation Institute and as a member of IACA,Hopely to join IFISA Manchester Seminar this year. When the seminar will be taking place ? and how to joint those seminar,thanks

  • Ingo Mundt

    Hello together,

    Paul wrote 2 day ago that he sent the phraseology documents to the members of IFISA.
    I didn’t receive anything.
    Is it possible to send me the docs asap to Engadin Airport?

    Many thanks.

    Lg, Ingo

  • atin

    Assalamu’alaykum wr. wb
    here, i’m as a student of aeronautical communication of indonesian civil aviation institute.
    It sounds very good when i khow about this web. beside, giving me more information i didn’t know before, this web is also very up to date ^^7
    good luck for seminar this month ^^9